


This website is mobile friendly therefore you can view this website across all your devices including laptop, desktop, mobile or tablet.

However, some elements are scrollable when not viewed on desktop PCs and therefore the scrollbar may not appear depending on which browser is used.

The HEATHER'S HISTORICAL SOCIETY logo, at the top of each page, links to the main page.

The sub-pages have their own banner images (old King Street, South Shields) which are links to these pages.

Posts that have multiple parts have their own banner which is a black background with white text.


Due to amount of time it takes to fully research each post, there is no time frame as to when you can expect more posts, therefore please continue to keep visiting the website for the latest updates.


HEATHER'S HISTORICAL SOCIETY ('We') began in 2020 as a site dedicated to dedicated to the historical and genealogical information and documentation that I have collected over more than fifty years.

Content is created by Heather Thomas and edited by Alex Thomas for website optimisation.

Photos are credited throughout the site and therefore we do not own the rights to the photos, therefore please ask direct permission fromn the owner and not through this website.

AMT FANS!TES is the administrator for this website, and further information on its projects can be found by clicking on their logo below.